ITpipes Platform Licensing

Simple search tool.
Inspection view with comprehensive details including observations, severity rankings, snapshots, videos, PDF, asset and inspection details.
On-screen inspection comparison for multiple inspections.
Launch from other applications such as ESRI GIS web maps, Cartegraph, Cityworks, Infor IPS, Lucity, and Maximo.
Ability to edit and add new records, including asset data, inspection data, and header fields.
Drill-down filtering with advanced options.
Create SmartTabs with unlimited sorting, grouping, filtering, and reporting.
SmartTab dynamic GIS mapping with automated color-coding, selecting, and grouping.
Observation/defect ploting onto GIS map.
Work order assignment (needed for AMS integration users).
AMS Integration options.
Map display for work order assignment.
Administrative Panel control.
On-demand, always available, single user licensing.
*Built-in ESRI editing features coming! (May require reserved licensing users)
Web Inspection View License
Web Read-Only License
Web License
Reserved Web License
  • Typical users include staff that need to view only one inspection video with condition assessment details at a time.
    • For clients using Cartegraph, Cityworks, or other systems to manage pipeline planning cleaning, rehab, repair or other tasks, this is ideal as the user can open the desired app, launch the inspection viewer to review the inspection detail, then go back to the preferred app to update details.
    • For field users, this is ideal if the user has connectivity to the ITpipes Web storage location. A user can quickly in the field pull up a legacy inspection from other applications.
  • Inspection view can be used stand-alone and does have a simple search tool.

This is identical to ITpipes web user but in read-only mode.

  • ITpipes Web Read-only includes Web Inspection view.
  • ITpipes Web Read-only has one exception to making it identical to standard ITpipes Web licensing; the exception is that ITpipes Web Read-only opens in read-only/viewer only mode.
  • Typical users include staff that are reporting and reviewing multiple inspections, but not doing any editing, planning and scheduling, or updating of records in ITpipes. For example a user that wants to see the 50 pipes that have level 5 defects, but is going to track repair details inside Cartegraph.
  • Licensing is concurrent, unless “reserved” and does require an annual subscription.
  • Typical users include staff that are reporting and reviewing multiple inspections and editing inspections. Web is ideal for users that are doing planning, prioritizing, condition assessment coding, assignment of work, and more supervisory or engineering type roles.
  • With field access to online servers becoming more accessible in recent years, ITpipes Web is on occasion used by field staff to access SmartTab reports or create work orders off live maps.
  • Licensing is concurrent and does require an annual subscription.
With ESRI’s launch of Partner User Types in 2020/2021, this will affect clients with ITpipes licensing that want to use single-sign on. The full affects of this are unknown at this time, however, with single-sign on, that does require a concurrent license be pulled from a client’s license pool and “held” for the user with single-sign on access.
ITpipes Mobile Licensing

ITpipes Mobile is for performing inspections that have video, imagery, or sensory data attached. This used for collecting and coding the inspections.

  • Data entry for field inspection usage
  • Software overlay based functions and control
  • Full video encoding in various formats
  • Operations and administration features to automate functions such as snapshot capture, PDF creation, data syncing
  • Offline map display and access for work scheduling.

Typical users include field inspection users or office users that are doing full coding on pipe inspections.

Licensing is per desktop and does require an annual subscription.

Mobile Add-ons


ITpipes Mobile with Panaramo is used for capturing and coding Panoramo* video inspections. Typical users include staff that are coding pipe inspections with Panoramo* video. This licensing is per user and includes the royalty fee to Ibak.

*Ibak Panoramo is licensed by Ibak Helmut.

Asset/Inspection Type

With ITpipes licensing, the platform is built to manage unlimited asset network groups and inspection types. Upon purchase, one asset network group with an associated inspection type is provided, an example of this would be sewer mainlines or storm culverts with CCTV, smoke testing, or Ibak Panoramo*. Additional asset network groups and/or inspection types may require additional setup and/or licensing.

Sync Licensing

Sync isused to transfer data between systems. This moves assets, inspections, condition assessment detail, associated media files, associated sensory data files and other information between various systems. Sync automated management of inspection data.

Typical instances of Sync include Web repositories syncing to CCTV units, Web repositories syncing to AMS or financial systems, and otehr integrations.

Licensing is per instance and does require an annual subscription.

Asset Management Integration Licensing Options

Asset Management Integration collaborates your work order system with ITpipes. Integration is available for Cartegraph, Cityworks, Lucity, IPS Infor, Tyler Munis, Beehive, and Maximo.

Typical instances of integration per asset type include sewer mainlines, sewer manholes, storm mainlines, or similar.

Licensing is per asset and/or inspection type and this does require an annual subscription.

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